Tatsuhiko (Tako) Suzuki is currently a second year Economics student at Keio University in Tokyo. With a strong passion in film and broadcast at a young age, Tatsuhiko had the privilege to accumulate numerous experiences from local news broadcasting to working with professionals from the film industry.
In his high school years, Tatsuhiko founded a campus TV station that livestreamed daily morning announcements as well as establishing a press team for multiple large-scale conventions. His team also strengthened its livestreaming department by providing service for events such as graduation and concerts. As a university student now, Tatsuhiko continues to follow his passion in film and broadcast landing him an assistant position at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Broadcasting Service department and internship opportunities for film conventions in the US.
With his background, Tatsuhiko delivers quality broadcast and livestream across different sectors and plans to utilize his digital media skills to share the unique stories of individuals as well as capturing memorable moments for Inclusive Business Lab.