Erin is current Bachelor of Science student at the University of Hong Kong who joined the Inclusive Business Lab in 2020. Pursuing her academic career in molecular biology and biotechnology, she wishes to develop eco-friendly technology available-to-all.
Taking up leading roles of various societies, teams, and activities since secondary school, she believes that being a leader is not a matter of age, but of heart. A passionate, empathetic, and responsible heart. She also believes that not everyone is born with the confidence of a leader, but confidence can be built up through different experiences. Therefore, she is here at IBL to empower and inspire.
She likes to express her thoughts and feelings through art, and mostly explores the themes and ideas of local culture and social issues. She loves making music and can play the cello, the electric bass and synthesizers. She has also been an audio engineer and enjoys live shows a lot. Film production and photography are also her interests, and she partook in different production crews since secondary school.