2018 STEM+ Leadership Week Opening Ceremony Held in Dagang High         领导力培训周在省港中顺利举行       

26th July 2018  /  news, stem leadership week, leadership challenges, highlight

On the morning of July 23rd, 2018 STEM+ leadership Week Opening Ceremony was successfully held in the auditorium of Jiangsu Province Dagang High School. Around 700 students from over 8 schools within and outside of Zhenjiang joined the ceremony.

The ceremony started with the speech given by guests from the Education Bureau. They extended their genuine congratulations on the success of this year's opening ceremony. They wished that the STEM+ Leadership Week will broaden the students' horizons, develop students' innovative abilities and facilitate their all-rounded development.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the mental abacus calculation presented by a group of pupils from Xinfeng Primary School. Their fast and accurate calculation truly impressed the audience and won them big rounds of applause. What was even more exciting was the LIVE mental calculation match between the PhD fellows and the pupils. The primary students won against the PhD students with the score of 3:0. 

Professor Tom Korner from the University of Cambridge then presented the math book written by himself to the young winning team. He also gave an interesting speech on Mathematics and Smallpox, unveiling the intriguing history behind probability and inspiring the students to look at Mathematics from different angles. 

Source: Jiangsu Province Dagang High School 



接下来,来自我区辛丰小学的珠心算表演队现场进行了珠心算表演,快速、准确的计算能力赢得了现场观众的阵阵掌声。来自剑桥大学、香港大学的容领伙伴还与珠心算表演队现场PK,珠心算小选手们沉着冷静,稳定发挥,最终赢得了比赛。剑桥大学三一堂学院Tom Korner教授应邀向与会嘉宾作了题为“数学奥秘”的演讲。他的演讲生动有趣,激发了学生们学习数学知识的兴趣。


