一天深夜,一场突如其来的特大泥石流吞没了小山村。次日,当救援人员循着哭声刨开泥土,掀开屋顶,发现一个光着身蜷缩在屋梁下的两三岁小女孩竟然活着。救援人员赶紧将小女孩抱出来,可她死活都不肯离开,边用小手指着边哭喊起来:“妈——”救援人员沿着隐约露出的一双泥手小心翼翼地往下刨,眼前现出一幅惊心动魄的画面:一个半身赤裸的女人,呈站立姿势,双手高高举过头顶,仿佛一尊举重运动员的雕塑……女人竟是一个盲人,身体早已僵硬。而她的身下,又刨出一个昂首挺立的男人!女人正是站在男人肩上,双手高举小女孩,小女孩才奇迹般地成为这场泥石流中惟一的幸存者!动物也罢,人类也好,惟有父母之爱是默默奉献,不求回报的。生死攸关的时候,他们总是义无反顾的舍弃自我,把生的希望留给后代。这种盲人父母舍己救子女的壮举是对母爱力量的绝佳诠释。爱如山,如山的伟大,如山的崇高,如山的厚重……母爱是原点情感,理解了母亲的爱,我们才能爱人爱己,才能让爱迸发出光辉,照亮我们未来的路。杨晨One late night, a sudden catastrophic mudslides engulfed the small mountain village. The next day, when the rescuers followed the crying to dig soil, they opened the roof and find a naked girl curled up under the roof. Unexpectedly she was alive. The rescuers hurried to embrace the girl. But she didn’t want to leave anyway. Pointing with her little hand she cried out: “ Mum……” Along a pair of muddy hands faintly showed the rescuers gingerly dug down. Then they saw a dramatic picture: A half naked woman, was in a standing position, hands held high above her head, was like a sculpture of a lifter. The woman was unexpectedly blind, whose body had already stiff. Under her body, a man was also dug standing firm with raised head. It was that the woman held the little girl high standing on the man’s shoulders how the little girl magically became the only survivor of the catastrophic mudslides. For animals as well as humans, only parents’ love is silent and unconditional. At the moment of crisis, they always give up themselves without turning back to leave the hope of life to their offspring. The blind parents’ magnificent behavior of giving themselves to save their child is the perfect interpretation of maternal love power. Love is like mountain, which is great, lofty and heavy. A mother's love is the origin of emotion. Only having understood the mother's love, we can love ourselves and others, let love burst into glory and light our road in the future.Chen Yang