好人一生平安那是大年二十九,我还在奔波于补课老师家中。补完课,已经晚上五点多了,又下了大雪,地面上急了厚厚一层雪,回家的公交车已经没了,只好打的到姐姐家。在车站等了几十分钟也没有一辆出租车,我在车站等的瑟瑟发抖,脚已经冻麻了,看着雪花从天上飘落,我感慨自己就像无家可归的孩子。这时,一辆出租车停到了车站,一位40多岁的叔叔摇下车窗,小姑娘,去哪啊,我一看,原来车上已经有人了,去xxxx小区,我说,不顺路啊,司机叔叔为难了,这时,坐在车上的两个阿姨说,让她上来吧,从xxxx小区绕一圈吧,钱照付。我上车了,仿佛再也不冷了王倩May good people be free from mishaps all their lives. It was the day before New Year’s Eve, I was still taking my extra classes in my teacher’s house. And it was already 5pm when I came out. It was snowing heavily outside .The ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. Since no bus could be taken to go home at that time, I had to wait for a taxi. Standing there alone for tens of minutes,not a single taxi had appeared in my sight. So freezing cold it was, I shivered, looking up at the snowflakes floating from the sky, feeling myself a homeless child. But at the right moment, a taxi stopped in front of me, a middle aged man rolled down the window, asking: “where are you going?” “xxxx community” I replied, finding there were two women sitting at the back seat. “ Not on the same way” the taxi driver hesitated. But then I heard the two aunts said: “take her, just drive to the community, we will pay the extra money with no pennies less.” Sitting in the taxi, I seemed to no longer feel cold.Qian Wang