生活中总是充满着爱的,尤其是父母和孩子之间。今年的春天格外冷,“倒春寒”倒得可真厉害呀。那天中午放学后,我没穿外衣就跑了出来。一出来,我就感觉一阵阵寒风向我袭来,我不禁打了几个寒战,心想:“完了,估计这回要感冒了。”不幸的是,妈妈的唠叨声也伴随着寒风向我扑来了:“又不穿外套,帽子也不戴,感冒了我可不管!”但是,唠叨归唠叨 ,妈妈还是一边唠叨着一边脱下自己的外套逼着我穿上,直到把我裹得严严实实才放心地发动了电动车。一路上,我倒暖和了,可妈妈却因为只穿着一件单薄的毛衣,在寒风中瑟瑟发抖。回到家之后,妈妈又对爸爸唠叨道:“这孩子,这么冷的天,出来竟然不穿外套,我的衣服给他穿了,冻死我了……”我的妈妈就是这样一个爱唠叨的人,但是,从妈妈一次次的唠叨中,我分明读懂了妈妈对我的爱,这爱是无私的、无价的。唐轶楠There is love in the life, especially between parents and children.The spring is colder than before. I run out undressed coat after school. I felt so cold and chilly after I came outside, and I thought” damn it, I may have a cold.” Unfortunately my mother’s chatter came with the cold wind” you don’t wear coat again and hat. I will never care about you if you have a cold.” She put off her coat and forced me to put on when she was chattering. She rode the electrobicycle until I was coved tightly. I was warm, but my mother shook in the cold wind. My mother chattered to my father again after we arrived home” the child don’t wear coat in cold wind, I give him my coat and I am so chilly.’’My mother like to talk a lot, but I realize my mother’ love, it’s selfless and priceless.Yinan Tang