一天我帮妈妈去菜场买菜。雨后的地面显得分外潮湿,有些滑。当我买了菜准备回去的时候。只见一位老奶奶双脚一滑,重心不稳摔倒在地上。只听“啪啦”一声,奶奶手中的鸡蛋摔在了地上,鱼也从袋中滑出,在地上蹦来蹦去。老奶奶怔怔地坐在地上,十分伤心,嘴里念叨着:“我的鸡蛋啊,我的鱼啊,这可怎么办啊!”我看了,连忙快步赶去试图扶起老奶奶,对老奶奶说:“奶奶,您别伤心了,快起来吧!”我吃力地扶起老奶奶,正在这时,手忽然一轻,只见一群路人也纷纷扶起了老奶奶,老奶奶的脸上重新挂上了笑容,拉着我的手念念到:“小姑娘,谢谢你啊。”顿时,我的心里感到一股暖流流过,而周围的人也笑了,我知道,是我对老奶奶的关心与帮助感染了别人,爱是可以传递的。寒风凛冽,毫不留情的刮在人们的身上,可每个人都觉得暖暖的。王馨怡One day I help my mother go to market to buy food. After the rain the ground appears damp and slide. When I wanted to go back home, I saw an old woman slipped to the ground. The eggs fell to the ground and a fish slip out from the bag, bouncing around on the floor. The old woman sit on the ground sadly and chanted “oh, what can I do for my eggs and my fish”. I saw it and hurried to try to pick up her, said:” don’t be sad, grandma, stand up”. Many people helped the old woman at the moment I was trying to help her. The old woman smiled and said to me “thank you, little girl”. My heart felt a warm current flow, and people smiled too. I know that is my concern and help to the old woman infected with others, love can be passed. The wintry winds blow and merciless blow upon people, but everyone felt warm.Xinyi Wang