那是一次月考由于班上一位同学没有带橡皮,我自以为我有两块橡皮便掏出一块给了他,他非常感激的样子,因为下一场考数学,这些文具都必不可少,需要各种作图。老师来发卷了,我检查文具时才慌了起来,因为我根本没有橡皮,数学又不是很擅长,所以我有一种大祸临头的感觉。 再说这种大考一般同学不会把自己的橡皮借给别人。我还是问了附近的几个同学,不抱一丝希望,果然如我所料。又象征性问了后桌,他也说没有。 过来一会,后桌拍拍我,他从文具袋中掏出一块崭新的橡皮,用力地扯成两半给了我一半。我当时就震惊了而且十分感动,感激,在你觉得完了没戏了的时候,忽然有人给予你帮助,而且他完全可以像别人一样说没有多余的橡皮了,这是人之常情,可是他没有。况且当你买了一块新的橡皮你会为了别人而损坏它吗,还是一个陌生人。我因此深深地记住了他,并且暗下决心,别人需要帮助时我一定要伸出援助之手,这就是他教会我的,只有体验过这种被帮助的感觉才会明白那是怎样一种感动并且才能领悟到帮助的真谛,这是无法用文字描述的!陈千雨It was a monthly exam. One of my classmate forget to bring his rubber so I lent him one of mine, which made him grateful cause these stuff were indispensable to the following math exam.The teacher was starting to give out papers. You can’t imagine how flustered I was after finding out that I didn’t have a spared rubber myself at all. And I wasn’t good at math, either. That was going to be a catastrophe, I thought. Nobody would be willing to lend you his or her rubber in this situation. Being aware of that though, I asked several students nearby if they’ve got a spared one, and all of them answered impassively “No” just as I had predicted. It was when I was about at the end of the world that a student who sat behind tapped me on the shoulder, taking out a new rubber from his stationary bag and then breaking it into two halves, a half for me. I was greatly moved and appreciative. Someone had lent his hand to me at the right moment when I felt I was over. And he who could have acted like others and said a “No”, which sounds reasonable enough, yet damaged a new rubber for me, only a a stranger to him. I shall never forget this person and make up my mind to help others when they truly need it, just like him. Only when you have experienced being helped can you comprehend the true meaning of help, which can’t be expressed in words.Qianyu Chen