那时,学校还在装修,而我们迫不得已开了学,校园内也夹杂着各种工人,我们这群无畏的学生看不起他们,根本不放在眼里。某天,我清楚的记得那是星期一,升国旗是学校的例行事务,每个班毫无秩序地、懒散地挤出了教室,来到国旗下,依然是谈笑风生,嘈杂不堪,队伍也如舞龙一般扭曲。只有极少数人嘴里哼着不成调的国歌,也没有任何人注目着冉冉上升的国旗。突然,似乎有一股强大的力量吸引了我们,嘹亮的国歌声穿透了双耳,也穿透了灵魂。嘈杂声也莫名的消失了,我们循着歌声望去,竟是一名农民工在建筑工地上笔直地伫立着,双臂自然垂下,却昂首挺胸,严肃地注视着国旗,口中传出流转千年的国歌,眼神中满是流露着对中华、对祖国的满腔热爱。每个人都被深深地震撼了,这不是一份多么伟大的爱的故事,只是一位农民工对祖国的爱,却足以穿透每个国人的灵魂。刘怡然The school was still under decoration when the term began and kinds of workers were here and there. But we arrogant students thought them of nothing and looked down upon them. It was a Monday morning, I can clearly remember it, raising national flag is a weekly routine. Everyone walked out of classrooms disorderly and indolently, standing in their queues that twisted like a snake, talking and laughing a lot underneath the national flag. And only a few was singing what sounded like a national anthem, but nobody was staring at the rising flag. Suddenly, we all seemed to be attracted by a great power. Noises fade away. Great and loud national anthem penetrated our ears, as well as our soul. Following the sound, we found a worker standing there straightly, with his chin up and chest out and arms down. He stared at the flag and sang the anthem seriously, revealing his full love of China, our motherland. Everyone at present was deeply touched. This wasn’t a story of great love, it was only an ordinary worker’s love of motherland, but strong enough to penetrate every Chinese’s soul.Yiran Liu