生命中,爱真的很多,而更可贵的是将之传递下去。这是一个真实的故事。在一个寒冷的雪夜里,一位妇人的汽车抛锚了,妇人束手无策,因为是深夜,路上的车很少。即使是妇人向他们招手,他们似乎总是看不见,呼啸而过。妇人心急如焚,渴望着一位好心人的帮助。终于,一辆破旧的桑塔纳停了下来,车上的人按了几声喇叭似乎在询问发生了什么事,妇人指指汽车,两手平摊,做出很无助的姿势。接着那辆桑塔纳熄了火,走下一位男士,大概三十多岁,可是岁月早已完全地侵蚀了他,不符合他的年龄!一切足以看出他背负着家庭沉重的负担。他毫不犹豫地钻到妇人车子的下面工作了起来。不一会,他已修好了车。妇人看着他被弄脏的衣服和黑黝的手,妇人掏出一条手帕给他擦手和一张支票作为酬劳感谢男士。可男士只接过手帕拒绝了那张支票。临走时男士对妇人说:“请在别人需要帮助时,向我帮助您那样帮助别人吧!”妇人感动至极,开着车发现前面有家小餐馆,便停了下来进去吃饭,他发现餐馆的女主人依然挺着大肚子却还在忙里忙外,再看看餐馆四周破落的景象,妇人明白了什么。当喝完咖啡后,她趁那位女主人没注意时,留下了那张支票离开了,并附上了一段话:请在别人需要帮助时帮助他!这时刚刚那位帮助妇人修车的男士进来了,女主人紧紧的抱住了他:“老公,看!”当看着那张纸条时,夫妻俩的泪充满了眼眶……那位男士在帮助妇人时影响了妇人,并使妇人将爱心传递下去,形成了爱之链,链条的末端最终依旧指向了男士。生活中虽然我们不会有这样的遭遇,但将爱传递下去,爱之链会以不同的形式指向你,回报你所做的一切!黄远澈Love can be everywhere in the world , but it is more commendable to pass it on. This is a true story. On a cold snowy night, a woman’s car was broken and she was quite helpless. Since it was late at night , the cars roared past as if they all had seen nothing even though the woman waved her hands hardly. She was eager for help. Finally a car stopped by, it was an old Santana. And the driver sounded the horn as though asking what was the matter. The woman pointed at her car, then threw up her hands in a helpless gesture. Soon the Santana was off and out coming a man, aged 30 or so, who was probably burdened with family responsibilities judging from the weather-beaten face. He slid under the woman’s car without hesitation and began to fix it. The car was repaired in a short time but the man’s coat and hands were stained. On seeing this , the woman handed over a handkerchief to him and intended to pay him with a check. However, the man took over the handkerchief and refused the check and left the words before leaving , “ please help others when they need help , just like what I have done to you”. The woman was greatly moved. Afterwards she stopped her car at a cafe beside the road to have something to eat. The cafe was shabby even though the heavily pregnant owner was still on the run. Something occurred to the woman, she left the check on the table after meal and left, with words on it : please help others when they need help ! Afterwards a a man who had helped the woman fix her car walked into the cafe , and the cafe owner held him tightly, said: “ look! My dear”. The couple’s eyes were filled with tears on seeing the check and the words. There was no doubt that the man had influenced the woman greatly and prompted her to pass love on to others , forming a chain of love, of which the end pointed to him eventually. We may not be confronted with the same situation in life, but it is never wrong to pass love to others, the chain of love will point to you one day and reward you for everything you have done.Yuanche Huang