那是暑假里的一天,天气闷热,我上完课准备坐公交车车回家。车站上人很多,而且大多和我等的是一辆车。车久等不来,车站上的人也越来越多,越来越急。过了许久,前方开来了一辆车,那正是我要等的车。车还没到站,大家就向车跑去,车门刚开人群就像水似的,挤了进去,我也努力的挤过人潮,当门与我近在咫尺时,我听到了后方不知名儿童的一声啼哭,我下意识的转过头去,我看见了一位满脸尴尬的老人,她左手护着孙儿,右手提着一个大包,手已被勒得泛白。我看着他们,把身子往后挪了挪,她似乎也懂了我的意思。从我身边走了过去。用方言说了句:“谢谢啊!”我顿时觉得我已找到了人与人之间的爱,但我没有意识到我还在人群中,我被挤了出去。车满员了,缓缓的离开了。我没挤上车,心中却漾起了一股暖流。刘晨欣It was a day in the summer, the weather was hot, and I finished class to take the bus home. There are a lot of people in the station, and most of them are waiting for the same bus as me. Car didn’t come for a long time, and more and more people came the station, and the station became more and more urgent. After a long time, a car arrived the station in a minute, just the one that I waited. Before the car has arrived, we ran to the car, just when the bus opened door, the crowd squeezed into the car like water, I also try to squeeze through the crowd. When I closed to the door, I heard a crying of children from the rear, I turned around unconsciously, then I saw old woman with a awkward face, her left hand protected his grandson, then the right one carried with a large bag, which has been untidy looking white specks. I looked at them and moved back, and she seemed to understand what I meant, walked past me. Then she said “thank you” with a dialect. Suddenly I felt that I have found the love between people, but I did not realize that I was still in the crowd, I was squeezed out. The car is full, left slowly. I didn't get on the car, but the hearts of his a stream.Chenxin Liu