我住的那个小区不久前装上了电锁门,小区业主每天进进出出都要刷卡,推门才能进入,特别是汽车进小区的业主,就更不方便了,手忙脚乱一阵子才尴尬的将车推进门。但不久后,我便看到门口的保安市场等候在门旁,为不方便的业主开门。那天晚上10点多,我晚自习结束后骑车回家。天很冷,虽然戴着手套,裹着帽子,但仍感到风方向我身体里钻。远远地,看见小区的铁门,锁着。“哎,又要拿卡开门。”突然,我看见门口有一个身影站在门旁,不停地想四处张望着。那个人看到我来了,默默地将门打开,将门撑住,等我进去。我经过时,想对他说一声谢谢,他却将头,扭向别处,仿佛并不认为应得到什么感谢。秦驰Recently the community I lived installed the door lock, the home owners of the community must swipe card through the door, then pushed away to enter every time. It was inconvenient for them, especially for those drove into the area, they need rush the car awkwardly for a while before enter door. But soon after, I often saw the door of the security waiting at the door, and opened the door for the inconvenient owners. That night around 10pm, I ride bike home after the evening class. It was very cold, though I was wearing gloves and a hat, I still felt the wind burrowing into in my body. Far away, I saw the locked iron gate of the community. I said in mind, “alas, there need the door card again”. Suddenly, I saw a figure standing beside the door, keep looking around. The man quietly opened the door once he saw me, then pushed the door until I entered. I wanted to say thank you to him when I passed, but he turned away his head, as if he shouldn’t obtain gratefulness as a reward.Chi Qin