去年这时候,我还在为中考忙得不可开交,数不清的试卷,堆积如山的作业。数不清何其多的夜里,四下无人时,只有我房间的一盏孤灯陪伴我一同走过,它是黑暗里唯一的光明。我们行色匆匆,走在时间的单行道上,一边寻找着,一边遗失着。某天,妈妈站在我房间外,踌躇许久,似是怕打扰到我,小心翼翼的开口:“你很久没给奶奶打电话了吧?她很想你。”我愣住了。并不仅仅因为她说话时的紧张神色。也没有管已经夜深,我迅速拨通了那串竟已经有些生疏的号码,“喂?”无力而又不确定的一声呼唤在听筒中响起,“奶奶,是我啊——”“哦哦!最近学习很忙吧……”那边的声音立刻切换至精神抖擞的状态。我有一句没一句地抱怨着考试的繁多,食堂菜色的单调,环境的压抑。她静静地听着,扮演着我最好的听众。我能想象到,电话那端,她微皱眉头的样子。第二天放学,班主任叫住正准备奔向食堂的我,说是门口有人等我。我莫名其妙的往大门那走,直到看到那道小小的身影,也不顾身旁有人,激动的蹦起来,向她挥手,她也努力地向我挥手,只是动作有些奇怪,走近才看见她拎着一个袋子,不轻的样子。“喏!”她迫不及待的递进来给我,脸上带着孩子般的笑容,我嬉笑着接过。下一秒,她眼眶红了。隔着一扇铁门,我无法拥抱她。她的头如今只到我的肩膀,年迈的身体里饱含岁月的沧桑,乌黑的短发也不再像从前那般一丝不苟。不知是不是有风,我的眼睛也有了湿意,打开袋子一看,满满的都是小时候我爱吃的零食,再望向她,泪中带笑“我记性好吧”犹如邀功的孩童,却让我泪流满面。我目送她的背影渐行渐远,直至消失。世间予我千万种满心欢喜,沿途逐枝怒放,全部遗漏不要紧,得你一枝陪我成长就好。总有几分钟,其中的每一秒,你都愿意拿一年去换取。总有几颗泪,其中的每一次抽泣,你都愿意拿满手的承诺代替。总有几段场景,其中的每幅画面,你都愿意拿全部的力量去铭记。亲爱的奶奶,如果可以重来,我想永远和你在一起。徐静逸At this time last year I was busy preparing for the mid-term exam.There were countless papers and lots of homework.I had spent numerous nights studying with only a lamp by my side.It was the only light in the darkness.We were living in a hurry seeking and losing things. One day, my mom waited outside my room for a very long time.She didn't want to disturb me but she said it eventually:"When was the last time you called your grandma?She misses you." I froze, not just because of her nervous look.It was late but I still dialed the phone number that had become a little unfamiliar to me."Hello?"It was a weak and uncertain voice."Grandma,it's me!""Oh,busy studying these days?"Her voice became refreshed right away.I complained a lot about things at school such as endless tests, crapy food and the pressure.She was really a good listener, but I could picture her at the other end of the line frowning.The next day I ran into my class teacher as I was running to the dining hall.She told me someone had been waiting for me at the gate.So I headed to the gate with curiosity until I saw that tiny figure.It was my grandma.She was so excited to see me that she waved to me so hard.It was not until I got close enough did I realize that she was carrying a heavy bag.She just couldn't wait to hand it over to me with great happiness.I took it over from her hand and smiled happily.I wanted to hug her so badly but there was an iron gate between us. she was even shorter than I remembered, and looked tortured by life.I felt like crying as soon as I opened up the bag full of snacks I liked the most."Guess I still have a good memory,right?"She smiled and I burst into tears.After we said goodbye to each other, I was just standing there watching her back drifting away gradually until she could be seen no more.I could give up all kinds of beautiful things just for your company.There are moments we would like to trade with years.There are tears we want to replace with promises.There are memories we want to keep in mind forever.Dear grandma, I would stay with you every single day if I could grow up again.Xu Jingyi