哎,开学数学考了35,伤感!后来,就因为这35,我被数学老师盯上了。据说数学老师面目严肃,很是严厉,我算是领略了。每节课比点我名。每节课我也必定是站着的,因为问题回答不出来。这让我非常难堪。我当时特别生气,想啊,凭什么啊,我为什么偏偏是最衰的那个啊,考低分的人难道就只有我一个吗?我甚至还想过要逃课,去哪里坐坐,因为并不想再看见数学老师。他讲课的样子,点名的样子,问问题的样子,各种各样严肃的表情在我看来都特别恐怖。总觉得他笑里藏刀,指不定什么时候出来捅你一下。但我无法否认的是,他教书真的很好,只是我 不太习惯于他的教学方式,毕竟他是老教师,代沟太大了。后来,老师让我们去参加了一个讲座。叫“容领挑战”。晕晕乎乎的听了个大概,全程英文微醺。又想到数学老师想到期初考试,心凉了半截。听完讲座居然又让我们写了关于容领挑战的故事。二者联系起来不就是嘛?我仔细想了想,我又不笨,我只是懒,挑战这种事也就只有勤奋的人才能成功。我也可以及格啊,每天认认真真的听课,上课不睡觉,课后认真写作业,改掉以前还说那上课看小说的坏习惯,况且这些也并不会耗费我多大精力和时间。实践证明,我是对的,数学121。从35到121的逆袭,咸鱼的翻身,我做到了,我接受了数学这个挑战。想说的也就那么多:人生总是要容领挑战的,那些懦弱的人则会在时间的长河中站成最寂寥的时光。勤奋的人则不同,他们勇敢,他们是会发光的。但也总要寻到他们的发光之处才行。洪悦My math test score was 35! I was sad. I became the target of my math teacher because of the score! After that, I knew my math teacher was severe and serious. He asked me questions in each class. I was always embarrassed when i stood and couldn’t answer the question. I was very angry. I didn’t know why these happened to me, even though I wasn’t the only one who got a low score. I even thought of skipping classes because I didn’t want to see my math teacher. I felt horrific thinking of the appearance when he was having a class, calling the roll, asking questions and so on. I always thought he hid a dragger behind a smile, which he maybe stabs to me sometimes. But I had to admit he taught me well, even though I didn’t get used to his teaching methods. There was a big generation gap between us, he was an old teacher. On a later date, my teacher asked me to attend an institute called “inclusive challenge”. The language of the institute was English, which made me dizzy. At the same time, I thought about the math exam, I felt sad. We been asked to write the stories about “inclusive leadership” after the institute, I thought the link between these. I thought carefully. I was not stupid, I was just lazy. Ones can be successful who are diligent. I thought I can have classes carefully every day, no sleep at the class, finish homework carefully, get rid of reading novels, and these things that didn’t take me much energy and time. In fact, I was right, I can do it! I got 121! From 35 to 121,this was amazing. I did it! I accepted the challenge and I won. This is all I want to say: life always needs inclusive challenge, the diligent are brave and shiny, but coward ones always stand alone.Yue Hong