Training the Trainers Leadership Roundtables

Training the Trainers Leadership Roundtables aim to develop the trainers on leadership development. The initial focus will be on values including love, forgiveness, attitude, competence, integrity, personal growth as well as life of significance and purpose. Each roundtable follows a pattern designed to help everyone participate and accept the challenge of developing each value. This would help to create a close community in which they support and encourage one another. With deeper understanding of each value, personal growth is nourished through mutual support and leading to transformation.


On Next Gen Leadership - Mr Jesse Wu 13 Julyleadership roundtable, stem leadership weekstory An International Summer for Nantong Jinsha Middle School Students(I)           南通金沙中学的“国际范”暑假(一)     22 Julynews, stem leadership week, leadership roundtablenewsNever too Young to Lead: Make the Most of Youth The river of time never stops flowing forwards, and most people and memories will be washed away. Make the most of youth, while we are still young. 时间的河流从不会停下前行的脚步,人和记忆也都终将流逝。趁我们还年轻,活出最精彩的青春。 31 Decemberleadership roundtablestoryNever too Young to Lead: Father's Love I was so moved that words could not express my feelings, my father loves me more than i thought. . 言语已经无法表达我有多么的感动,我的父亲比我认为的还要爱我。 31 Decemberleadership roundtablestoryNever too Young to Lead: Share the Love The old lady insisted on adopting the girl for love, regardless how hard her own life was. my fatehr helped them for love, regardless how busy he was. Share the love!. 老人出于爱而坚持收养了小女孩,尽管自己生活困难。我父亲出于爱而帮助她们,无论自己多繁忙。31 Decemberleadership roundtablestoryNever too Young to Lead: Love Has No Boundary I wish there will be no more misunderstanding, and there will be no more national boundaries between the hearts of more and more people. 我希望从此以后人与人之间不再有误解;我希望从此以后更多人的心与心之间不再有疆界。 31 Decemberleadership roundtablestoryNever too Young to Lead: Left Behind Children Don't retreat when confronted with difficulties. Don’t give up because you have a weakness, because turning a weakness into a strength is the real success. 遇到困难不要退怯。也别因为有弱点而放弃,因为真正的成功是将弱点转化为长处。 31 Decemberleadership roundtablestoryNever too Young to Lead: Never Give Up This is for all students with low self-esteem. Don’t be afraid! the ugly duckling will become a swan. The Cinderella will eventually marry the prince. 我想告诉所有自卑的同学:不要害怕,丑小鸭也会变成天鹅。灰姑娘也终将和王子在一起。 31 Decemberleadership roundtablestoryJiangsu Province Dagang High School held Training The Trainers Leadership Roundtable 大港中学举办培养培训者领导力圆桌会议 21 Junenews, highlight, leadership roundtablenewsTraining the Trainers 2: Forgiveness 大港中学举行“国际容领”——培养培训者领导能力第二次圆桌会议 25 Aprilleadership roundtablestoryTraining The Trainers Leadership Roundtable by Dr. Violet Lo in Jiangsu Province Dagang High School 卢雪芬博士在省港中开授领导力圆桌会议 31 Marchnews, highlight, leadership roundtablenewsTraining the Trainers 1: Unconditional Love On March 30, 2017, Dr Violet Lo, the Honourable Principal of Dagang High School, held the first session of the ” Training the Trainers Leadership Roundtable” at the Global Inclusive Leadership Centre.29 Marchleadership roundtablestory