July 24th 2016 saw the official opening of the global inclusive leadership next gen program in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province. The event brought together students, teachers, government officials and distinguished foreign guests to celebrate student achievement and inspire young people to live a life of significance. The overarching themes were agape love and empowering the next generation.
2016年7月24日, 国际容领新生代人才培养项目正式在江苏省镇江举行开幕仪式。在开幕式中,学生,老师,政府官员和国外友人及支持者齐聚一堂,欢祝学生在容领项目的培养中所成就的一切,并一起在融洽的氛围中鼓励年轻人本着大爱的精神,继续活出有意义的人生。开幕式的主题是无私大爱和为新生代培力。
The ceremony was attended by local government officials who firmly support the values and goals of Global Inclusive Leadership. Local government representatives also gave speeches and lent their support. The positive influence of the Global Inclusive Leadership programmes was affirmed by speeches delivered by the principals of Dagang High School and Chongshi Girls’ School.
After some opening remarks from the Mayor of Dantu New District, Zhenjiang Education Bureau and Dantu Education Bureau, there was an introduction to Global Inclusive Leadership from its pioneer, Dr Violet Lo. This was followed by performances from students of Jiangsu Province Dagang High School and Chongshi Girls’ School, who delivered a fusion of Eastern and Western music accompanied by professional musicians.
镇江市教育局局长, 丹徒区区长和丹徒区教育局局长莅临开幕式,政府代表也发言鼓励国际容领项目的活动,并肯定国际容领的意义。大港中学仲校长和崇实女中顾校长分别致辞肯定容领活动项目,对学生带来的正面积极的影响。
在政府及教育局代表发言后,国际容领创办人卢雪芬博士致辞感谢政府支持并介绍国际容领项目。会中的节目还穿插江苏省大港中学和崇实女中的 学生的中西乐器的演奏, 他们和来自国际一流的音乐家同台演出,表现令人刮目相看。
As part of the Next Gen Program, students are encouraged to share "Significant Stories" from their own lives and submit them to the online Significant Blog. A few brave students were also selected to recount their Significant Stories during the opening ceremony. One of the most moving stories was from Zhang Xinyue, a “left-behind child”. Left to live alone while her parents worked in another city, Xinyue sank into depression. Her school life deteriorated as she became reclusive and struggled to contain her frustration. The turning point was a heartfelt letter from her mother, which motivated her to confront her problems and take charge of her life. Xinyue explained that she is now much happier, and encouraged others to overcome their personal challenges. Her story has a simple but powerful message: never give up, turning weakness into strength is a real success.
国际容领项目鼓励学生们写下及分享他们爱的故事,借以鼓励激发别人。开幕式中有好几位被选中的学生,勇敢而自信地以英语为在场的观众讲述叙述亲身的体验和感悟。当中一位留守儿童张馨月分享她动人的故事:自小父母在外地工作,感觉好像没有了生活支柱, 什么事情都做不好, 成绩也变差了, 脾气也变得暴躁。好长一段时间 好像生活在一团黑暗之中, 没有一丝阳光。后来妈妈给她写了一封信,让她很感动,明白遇到困难不要退缩, 那是锻炼自己, 激发潜能的最好时机。现在馨月快乐多了,也鼓励其他同学积极面对挑战。她的故事给同学带来简单但有力的信息:面对困难决不放弃, 把自己的弱点变成了强项才是真的成功。
The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of the foundation plaque for a new Global Inclusive Leadership Centre in Zhenjiang. The plaque was presented by Professor Ian White, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. In his inspiring speech which closed the ceremony, Prof. White spoke of the unique abilities of each individual, and the potential we have to use our personal talents to make a positive contribution to the world and other people. He cited the case of Giulia Biffi, a Cambridge PhD student at the very start of her academic career, who recently provided conclusive evidence of the “G-Quadruplex” structure in human DNA. Prof. White encouraged young people to confront their personal challenges but also reminded them that working with others is crucial to success and happiness in all parts of life.
大会的亮点是国际容领中心镇江基地揭牌仪式,英国剑桥大学常務副校长怀特教授为基地授牌。最后, 怀特教授发表主题演讲,热情动人,振奋人心,大意是:我们每个人都是独特的,我们都有自己特有的禀赋,我们都有潜力发展我们各自的禀赋,为这个世界,为其他人做出巨大的贡献。他以剑桥大学一位博士生茱莉娅 比菲为例说明,比菲虽然还很年轻,却是证明DNA四链结构的第一个人。怀特教授还鼓励年轻人去拥抱挑战并且永远不要忘记他们在面对挑战,不是孤零零的一个人面对挑战:与他人合作是开启成功和快乐人生的金钥匙。