我是一名平凡的教师,转眼间已经工作十二个春秋了。回首这十二多年的教育之路,我没有什么轰轰烈烈的壮举,更没有值得称颂的大做为,可是平淡的教学生涯却赋予我宝贵的课堂教学经验。从事数学教学一直是我的一大乐趣。我爱看着我的学生在我的教育下露出满足的笑容。2012年接手了高三美术班的数学教学工作,当时这个班的有一部分同学数学成绩很差。学生基础差,厌恶数学,因而上课不爱听讲,或搞小动作,或睡眼惺忪,导致我每节课都完不成任务。刚开始,我还信心十足,以为凭借我循循善诱的教学方式,兢兢业业的工作作风和风趣激励的谈吐,能够转变他们的学习态度,提高他们的数学成绩。可一个月过去了,情况没有任何改变。就在我百思不得其解的时候,班里的课代表的话触动了我。有一天,我刚上完课走出教室,班上的一个同学就跟了出来,她低着头,胆怯的对我说:“老师,您以后可不可以不提问我?”我说:“为什么呀?”她就小声地说:“因为我害怕您的眼神,每当我答错题的时候,虽然您嘴上不说我什么,但您的眼神和严肃的面部表情在批评我。”此时我震惊了,我一直以为对学生只要口头上多表扬,笔头上多鼓励,便能树立他们的自信心,激发他们的学习热情,然而事实证明我错了,我陷入了深思。对了,微笑是人类最美丽、最友善的语言,那就让我用微笑去唤醒学生们沉寂的心灵吧。于是,在以后的教学中,我每天都是满面春风的走进教室,用最亲切的眼神面对学生,而学生们也慢慢的被我感染,脸上有了笑意,尤其是原来成绩不好的学生,他们也勇敢地加入进来,有了学习的勇气和动力,课堂上的气氛渐渐的活泼起来。仅仅一个学期,这个班的数学成绩就有很大提高。或许,正是我的眼神中流动着鼓励和肯定,像一股股暖流温暖着他们自卑和沮丧的心,他们就是从我的眼神中得到了前进的信心和力量,一步一步走到现在。如今,他们不再是以前的“弼马温”了,曾经有学生和我说:“我最喜欢上数学了,因为从您的课堂上能找的公平,我最讨厌老师偏袒成绩好的学生,因为讨厌老师,导致我很厌学。只有您公正无私的心底,像一方明朗的天空,清澈,洁净,透明,从您的眼神中流露出来的是种公正的力量,使我的心也变得明朗起来。您的眼神在严肃中传递着爱意;在安静中透着温和;你的眼神就是一条汩汩流淌的河流,在不断的荡涤着人的心灵。”我想,只要我们有一个满浸着人间爱的灵魂,我们就能传递给学生最美的眼神,这样的人,才会生长出最人性的枝蔓,才会漫溢出爱的芳香。记住,进入课堂之前一定要带着微笑进入啊!对于学生学习实践的任何尝试,我们都应该采取鼓励的态度。同时也告诉学生:“错误是不可避免的事情,这没有值得害臊的地方。我也喜欢你们的错误。”从那以后,我常常微笑着、耐心地听完学生回答,而且及时制止其他同学的嘲笑,保护学生的自尊心和学习数学的积极性。在平时的教学活动中,我不再吝啬对学生的表扬和激励,因为我越来越体会到:希望得到别人的肯定是每个人的天性。(更何况是孩子。)一句积极的评价就是鼓舞孩子奋发向上的强大动力,孩子建立了信心,对待各种事物的态度就会越加积极。现在,从学生们渴望上数学课的期望中,从课堂发言积极热烈和课后争先恐后的做题活跃气氛中,我得到了满意的答案。张自超I am an ordinary teacher and have been working for twelve spring and autumns. Looking back on the experience of 12-years in education, I do not create an impressing and worthy achievement but my teaching career has given me valuable experience in classroom teaching. Being involved in mathematics teaching has been a great pleasure to me. I enjoy watching my students smile with great joy under my education. In 2012, I took over senior ART school mathematics teaching. At that time, quite a lot of students in this class had poor maths skills. They had a weak understanding of basic mathematics and moreover disliked the subject, they also did not listen carefully in class-sometimes fidgeting or sleepy, which had a direct impact on the quality of my teaching. At first, I was confident with instilling my way of teaching, dedicated work style, and funny discussion incentives and believed that these could change their learning attitude and improve their maths scores. However, a month passed and there were no signs of positive change. It was at this point that the words from the lesson representative in the class greatly touched me.One day when I had just finished the class and was walking out of the classroom, a student followed me, lowering their head they said to me: "teacher, please can you not ask me questions when in class?" I ask "why?" She whispered: "because I was scared of the look in your eyes. Whenever I answer the wrong topic, although you don't say anything, the look in your eyes and serious facial expressions are criticizing me." These words shocked me a lot. I always thought that as long as I praise the students more verbally , encourage them more in written form, their self-confidence will improve and their learning enthusiasm will be aroused, but this remark proved that I was wrong. This situation made me realise that yes, a smile is the most beautiful and friendly form of communication. Now let me use the smile to arouse the students’ quiet hearts. Hence, in the subsequent teaching, I came into the classroom every day with a great smile on my face, communicated with students with kind eye contact, and slowly the students become more interested in me, smiling, especially ones with the original bad grades. They are brave enough to join in, had the courage and the power of learning and became active in the classroom. After only one semester, the math grades of the whole class greatly improved. Perhaps, it was that my eyes flow with encouragement and affirmation, like spurts of warm current, to warmed their low-esteem and depressed hearts. From my eyes they became confident and had the power to walk forward, step by step.Today, they are no longer the previous "bi ma wen". Once some students said to me "I like mathematics most because I can get fairness in your classroom. I hate the teachers who are partial towards good students. Due to that dislike, I am very tired of those types of lessons. But your impartial and selfless heart seems like a clear sky-clear, clean, transparent. Your eyes can convey the power of justice and brighten my heart. Your strict eye expression shows affection –gentleness come from silence. Your eyes are like the gurgled river to constantly cleanse people’s soul.” In my opinion, as long as we have a full immersion in the soul of human love, we pass on to the students the most beautiful eyes. Only such people will grow on the tendrils of human nature, burst out the fragrance of love. Keep in mind—be sure to enter the classroom with a sincere smile! We should encourage students to make any attempt on learn. Yet we should also remember to tell the students that "error is inevitable and that they should not shy away from the possibility of making mistakes. I like your mistakes." From then on, I began smiling often , patiently listening to the students, preventing the other students’ mocking others and protecting the students' self-esteem and their enthusiasm for learning mathematics. In the usual teaching activity, I often praise and encourage students because I realize more and more that hope to get the affirmation of the others is the nature of each person(especially a child). A positive evaluation is a strong driving force to inspire students, build their confidence and become more positive to all kinds of things. Now, from the students’ eagerness to learn maths, the active answering in class and active resolving problems after class, I have a satisfactory answer.ZHANG ZICHAO