下雨了,天灰蒙蒙的,路上已经湿了一片,不见雨点变小,路上的行人几乎都是行色匆匆,急切的想避开这场雨。不远处,走来一对父子,父亲一手拎着包,一手打着伞,走的较慢,孩子背着书包,一手紧紧拽着父亲的衣襟,一手紧紧抓着包带,步伐较快的走在父亲的身边,想是要跟上父亲的步伐,裤子和鞋子明显湿了不少,经过了一个又一个路人,留下的是两个一高一矮的背影。这样看上去一幅很平凡的画面,却吸引了许多路人的驻足,因为这幅画面很让人不解,父亲虽然撑着伞,自己却浑身湿透了,原来,那柄伞完全在挡在了孩子头上,父亲丝毫没有顾到自己。路人琢磨:是父亲是脑子有问题,还是父亲没有想到有更好的办法?为什么父亲不抱起孩子,如此一来,既可以免去雨水打湿自己的衣服,又可以让孩子的衣裤保持干爽。很快,这样的画面、这样的疑惑在网络迅速散开,很多人都在指责父亲眼中只有孩子,没有自己,这样的行为对孩子太过溺爱了,人们纷纷揣摩着父亲的行为暗示内容。有人说,父亲就想在路人面前显示自己的与众不同,吸引更多的眼球;有人说,父亲是想显示自己的伟大,为了孩子,可以全然不顾自己;也有人说,父亲在想心事,丝毫没有意识到自己已经完全曝露在雨水中了;还有人说,男主角是在给孩子做榜样,希望孩子可以为了别人,完全不顾自己……网络的跟贴越来越热闹,但就在那一瞬间,整个网络似乎停止运行了,世界完全安静下来,人人都盯着屏幕上出现的一句话“我只是想告诉孩子,现在你还小,我可以为你遮风挡雨,但我不可能为你挡一辈子,人生路途崎岖不平,不管前路如何,都得你自己勇敢的走下去,所以,你得从小开始就学会自己走自己的路。”不到100字的表述,没有一个“爱”字出现,但人人都能感受到字里行间,父亲对孩子满满的爱,这种爱不是溺爱,是一种行为艺术的爱,父亲想让孩子通过实践感受人生旅途的困难,想让孩子通过努力发现一切旅途的困难,他都可以跨过去。朱玲It’s rainy and dusty. The raindrops are not getting smaller even when the road gets wet. People on the road walk very fast, so eager to avoid the rain. A father and his son walk in a not far away place. The father holds a bag in one hand and the other hand holds an umbrella. He walks slowly. With the son’s one hand holding his father’s cloth, the other holding his school bag belt, the child walks fast to follow his father’s step whilst his trousers and shoes get wet. They pass by many people and leave behind their tall and short back shadow. However, this common scene attracts much attention. What makes people confused is that even though the father holds an umbrella, he is all wet. The truth is that the umbrella is completely covering the child. The passers-by wonder whether there is something wrong with the father or if the father just cannot think of a better way? Why does the father not hold the child up so both can avoid the rain? Soon, this scene and this confusion spread fast over the internet. Many people criticize him, saying that he spoils his child too much and he takes care of his child without paying attention to himself. People think more about the implication of the father’s behavior. Some say that the father is showing the greatness of a father that for his child’s sake, he can pay little attention to himself. Some say the father may be thinking of other things at that time and doesn’t realize he was all wet. Some also say that the father being a good example for the child and wish the child would pay a little attention to himself for his father's sake. The internet is getting more noisy with more comments. But the whole internet seems to stop and the whole world is quiet when everybody stares at the father’s sentence “ I only want to tell my child that now you are young and I can cover the rain for you. However I cannot cover for your lifetime. Life's road is not even. Regardless of the front road, you have to walk through bravely. So you have to learn to walk your own way from when you are young.” Not even a “LOVING” word can be found in the 100 words’ expression but everyone can feel the full love of the father for his child. This love is not dotage but a behavior love. Through practice, the father wants his child to feel that even though life journey is hard and full of troubles, he can get through the all the trouble through great efforts.Zhu Lin