我家有一个盆景。一开始,放在家里葱葱绿绿的,十分亮眼。看到的时候都让人觉得整个人都清爽了。后来,因为致使家中蚊虫过多便搬去了阳台。阳台守阳光十足的。是一个“荒无人烟”的地方。因此它往往缺少水分。它肥硕的叶子慢慢枯萎。一点点地不复从前的光泽。叶,枝,根,一段一段的死去,即使给它淹死它也无法回复从前了,它就这样奋斗着,后来它死了!一段段的枯枝彻底烂掉,盆景中的除了它的枯枝枯叶,还有小虫子,我连让它复活的想法也没有,因为在盆中浇水时会有一股恶臭惹人讨厌。本以为是一块死地了,后来竟然在烂根处发了芽。它确实是复活了,它不复之前的高瘦形象,现在竟变得矮胖,没有以前好看了?但它还是活着,它就在那适应了新环境,这一株盆景告诉了我,绝境之处会有生机。只要不放弃,总会有成功的可能。王平We have a miniascape at our home. At first, it looks green and shiny, which makes people feel fresh. Later on, we moved it to the balcony because was attracting many mosquitoes and insects. The balcony is a sunny place and we seldom go there. Its leaves gradually fade because of lacking water, losing the shiny gloss. Leaf, branch and root fade one by one. Even if we give lots water, it cannot return to its original state. It struggles but it dies later! The faded branches rot away. There is only faded branches, leaves and insects inside the miniascape. I never think to revive it because the smell is nasty when I water it. I thought it was totally dead. What is unexpected is that it sprouted at the rotted root. It is trully revived with its original tall and slim image gone. Now it is short and dumpy. Although it does not look as good as before, it is alive and it has adapted to the new environment. This miniascape shows me that there is living chance when the environment is desperate. As long as you don’t give up, there is a chance to be successful.WANG PING