这是一间放有五张床位的大病房,我去探望姨妈的时候,旁边那张病床上躺着一个40岁左右的女人。陪护的是她的丈夫,一个个头不高,微微发福的男人。大病房人多嘈杂,来上梁博探视的人,病房里就没有站脚的地方。中午,邻床的那个男人出去买饭,一手提着饭盒,一手抱着仙人球。那女人眼前一亮:“从哪儿买的?”“路边正好有位卖花的老人,我就选了一盆。这是你最喜欢的仙人球。”男人一脸兴奋。男人把那盆仙人球放在窗台上,房间里顿时增添了一缕生气。闲谈中,我了解到这对夫妻在县城工作,为了给女人治病,男人卖掉了房子,两人结婚了十年了,还没有自己的孩子。病中的女人一天要输好几瓶盐水,胳膊肿了换到腿上输,身上是密密麻麻的针眼,可一看到先生回来,她立刻笑脸相迎,那男的一日三餐变着花样给女人买吃的,女人吃不下,男人就买山楂片回来给女人泡茶喝。女人爱干净,晚上男人总是打一盆热水,耐心的给女人擦洗,洗完了脸再洗手,洗完了手再洗脚,每天都是这道程序。女人爱漂亮,在动手术之前让家属给病号换开衫的睡衣。男人中午给女人从超市买回一套兰花的睡衣,真是个贴心贴肺的人。手术一周后,女人开始做化疗,头发大把大把的掉,那男人见状,买饭回来时候带回来一个假发和一个红色的帽子。女人戴上帽子,苍白的脸色渐渐有了生气。在他们眼里,住院仿佛一场外地旅行,那相濡以沫的深情里藏着生命的力量,那盆仙人球仿佛懂他们的心思,在他们的精心侍奉下长势喜人。贡逸When I went to visit my aunt in a big ward with five beds, a woman around 40 years old laid on next bed. Her husband who was short and slightly fat man was caring for her. There were too many people to visit the patient to be noisy. At noon, the man in the next bed went out to buy rice, then went back with boxes of lunch and an echinopsis tubiflora. The woman asked excitedly at the moment: "where to buy?" "there is an old man selling flowers on the road, so I chose an echinopsis tubiflora. This is your favorite echinopsis tubiflora." That man put the echinopsis tubiflora on the windowsill excitedly, and the ward was full of vitality immediately. I knew that the couple had been married for ten years and they didn’t have their own children. They worked in the city in chat, the man sold their house in order to take his wife to a doctor. The sick woman had to put on several bottles of salt water, and there were many dense needle holes in her arms and legs. She smiled immediately as soon as her husband came back. The man changed the pattern of meals for the women every day. The man will buy hawthorn to make tea if the woman didn’t want to eat. The women liked to be clean, the man always scooped a pot of hot water to wash her face, hands and feet every night. The women loved to be pretty, the worker changed her clothes in hospital gown before surgery. The man went to the supermarket to buy a pajama with orchid. What a sweet husband! The woman did chemotherapy and began to lose her hair seriously a week later after surgery. The man bought a red hat and a wig at soon. The face of the woman turned to be vitality when she put on the hat. They treated hospitalized as a travel. There was full of care and affectionate in their love, and the Echinopsis Tubiflora grown very well under their careful care.Yi Gong