国际容领数学挑战和即兴演讲社 (五)
The third Math Café Challenge was held in the afternoon on November 21, 2016. Tom Parton led and directed the challenge. Students were required to make “rockets” with limited material and to launch them to compete in the challenge.
Meanwhile, Kieran Macfarlane led the students in the Speaking Club for challenges in acting and improvisation. Kieran’s design of the lively activities, his humorous presentations together with students’ engagement made learning English fun.
Source: Dagang High School
11月21日下午,举行了本学期容领挑战项目第三次数学挑战活动。来自全年级近百位同学,以小组为单位,在 Thomas 老师的指导下,利用有限的材料和相关知识制作“火箭”,并实地“发射”,进行比赛。
与此同时,Kieran 老师带领着 speaking club 的同学们也开展了活动。同学们在老师的帮助下学习如何进行即兴表演和演讲。Kieran老师有趣的活动设计,幽默的语言表达,同学们积极的参与配合,让英语语言的学习不再枯燥,而是妙趣横生。