
15th June 2016  /  life upon life

那是充满激动与感悟的两节晚自习吧!陌生的面孔,却都带着灿烂的笑容,怀揣着一颗爱自己更爱他人的心,为了爱与正能量齐聚在报告厅。虽来自不同地方,加拿大、新西兰、英国、台湾,但彼此的初心都是相同的。听着他们说着或是自己或是他人的故事,或是英文或是汉语,我总是心潮澎湃。令我感触最深的或许是那位新西兰华侨所说的“爱”了吧。她说人想要成功,在一生中不可或缺的是五个圆圈。第一个,家人。家人永远是最爱我们,最愿意帮助我们,也是我们最愿意依赖的。第二个,朋友。人的一生中真正知心、交心的朋友又有几个?朋友在我们的一生中总扮演着那么重要的角色,我们也更要有些真朋友,好朋友。第三个,工作。每个人都需要工作,用工作来谋生,来发展,从工作中获取快乐,充实我们的生活。第四个,健康。无论如何,健康都是我们最重要的。没有了健康,其他的一切又有什么意义?第五个,快乐。人的一生中,快乐是必不可少的,因为快乐,人生才更幸福,才更精彩、在这五个圆圈之外,还有一个大的圆圈,将这五个圆圈包裹在一起,密不可分,那就是----爱。爱是那么的重要,它使一切死板的字眼都鲜活起来,温暖了我们的心。听了他们的故事,我感觉自己又像重新认识了一遍世界。也使自己有了目标,要像他们一样拼搏过,努力过,才有今天的成功!That was an exciting and meaningful night!All of us didn’t know each other, but we all wore big smile and with a heart of love.The people who shared stories with us were from different places, such as Canana , Newzealand ,Britain and Taiwan. However, they all wanted to help us and encourage us to be successful.When I listened to their stories, the story about love made a deep impression on me.She said :“If you want to be successful ,there are five important circles in your life.”The first one ,family .Your family loves you forever .You can depend on them .The second one ,friend.Friends always play an important role in our life .We need true friends .The third one ,work .We must work hard to make progress and earn our living .The forth one ,health .Without health ,we cannot do anything .The last one, happiness. We cannot live without it.Except the five circles , there was a most important thing .It was the biggest circle ,love .Because of love ,all things became warm and true.After listening their stories , it seemed that I knew the world again .I found my purpose .I wanted to struggle for future like them.彭婷娜Tingna Peng