Cooperation is always the key to success. The sentence is not a joke, but we practice it. There is a story. The leader of the antelopes made a decision when they faced their ferocious enemies. Older antelopes would jump first, then younger antelopes jumped to the elders' backs then to the other side of the cliff. The cooperation between the older and younger antelopes helped them to get free from their enemies. The story tell us only cooperation can help to escape from danger when face danger. You should cooperate with the others to finish homework if you are a student; you should cooperate with other workers to finish a project if you are a worker; you should cooperate with other doctors to save patients if you are a doctor. Anyway, we need cooperation every moment. Cooperation means to work in with each other. We need to operate in many things, and we can't finish them without cooperation. The sentence is "a little cooperation brings a little achievement, a big cooperation brings a big achievement, no cooperation brings no achievement." And it's true.
Guang Yang
合作往往会是成功的关键。这句话可不是随便说说的,大家可都是深有体会。面对凶恶的敌人,羚羊的头领下了决定。由老羚羊先跳,当老羚羊跳出后,年轻的羚羊再跳到老羚羊的背上,然后跳到对面的悬崖上。正是因为老羚羊与年轻羚羊的团结合作才使年轻的羚羊得以脱身。羚羊用它们壮丽而凄美的合作精神告诉我们,当遇到危险的时候,只有团结合作才能远离危险。如果你是一名学生,你就要和同学一起完成功课;如果你是一名工人,就是和工友们一起完成一项工程;如果你是医生,就要和医护人员共同救死扶伤。总之,我们的身边无时无刻不需要合作。 合作,顾名思义就是互相配合。我们要完成的许多事情都需要合作,没有合作就难以完成任务。有一句话这么说:“小合作有小成就,大合作有大成就,不合作就没有成就。”这句话一点儿也不错。