我很荣幸参加这次数学容领挑战,在这容领挑战中,我懂得了团队合作的重要性。首先,在比赛前,我们小组一起讨论一个确切的方案,每个队员各抒己见:飞机怎样飞飞的最远?机头应是圆的是尖的?机翼是越窄越好还是越宽越好?然后每个人要求都不一样。最后,这次的容领挑战我们得到了锻炼,也收获了快乐。It's my honor to take part in the maths challenge and i learn the importance of teamwork. First, before the challenge our team discussed a design, every teammate expressed himself view: how airplane flies farest?Should the head of airplane be circle and sharp? Should the wing of the airplane be wide or narrow? But everyone had different view. At last, we gained practice and joy from the maths challenge.丁佳Jia Ding