那是一个冬天,寒风呼啸。我走在路上。一个小生命触动了我内心。那是一个小女孩不满10岁。追逐着一个塑料袋,风很大塑料袋飞的越来越高越来越快,她人不放弃努力追逐着。却不小心踩在一块冰上。滑倒了。出乎我的意料,他立刻站了起来,继续追逐着那个塑料袋。她父母见状拉住她,不让她再追。她终于追上了塑料袋,扔进了垃圾箱。我冰冷心的感到了温暖。这就是我的故事。魏纪鸣It was a winter day with cold wind. I was walking in the street.Then something touched my heart. It was a little girl who was no more than 10 years old. She was chasing a plastic bag which was being raised higher and higher by the strong wind.She was trying so hard and suddenly slipped on a piece of ice.To my surprise, she got back up right away and kept going regardless of her parents' prevention. Finally she got the bag and threw it into the trash can.Just then my icy heart became so warm.Wei Jiming