When I was young, I thought there were only two countries in the world: China and a foreign country. I thought foreigners were serious and hard to communicate with, but I learned about Henry Norman Bethune[1] for the first time from the textbook and I also learned that foreigners and Chinese help each other.
Ever since then, I wish I could communicate with foreigners in person. I knew Luc and Kevin [2] since I came to Dagang High School, as well as Tom and Kathleen [3]. Tom owns three companies. But he spared his time to go to China and told us his story of selling newspapers when he was young. His gestures and facial expression told me he was serious. He wanted to encourage us and taught us to bear hardships, to be inclusive and to learn to grow up.
Kathleen has an inseparable bond with China. Her grandpa came to China to fight with Japanese, her grandma was in Nanjing university, and she loved China very much. By her gestures and expressions, she taught me that all the people in the world are one family. By taking part in the activities of Inclusive Leadership program, we have one more chance to interact with each heart to heart.
We can't communicate through languages, but we communicate with heart. I would say that there is no national boundary among those who are glad to give. I wish there would be no more misunderstanding and no national boundaries between the hearts of more and more people.
Haoxi Lv
[1] Henry Bethune was a Canadian doctor who worked in rural China during the Sino-Japanese War.
[2] Luc and Kevin were Next Gen Fellows based in Dagang High School.
[3] Tom Brady and Kathleen Derose, invited speakers for the Global Inclusive Leadership Challenges.
小时候认为世上只有两个国家,一个中国,一个外国。本以为外国人都是很严肃,很难沟通的。但是,当我第一次从课本上了解了白求恩,了解到外国人和中国人互相帮助,我便对亲自与外国人交流产生了憧憬。来到港中,我认识了Luc, Kevin,我认识了Tom, Kathleen。Tom 拥有三家公司,但是,他抽出时间,来到中国,为我们讲诉他从小卖报的故事。他的动作,他的神情,都在告诉我,他很认真,他想感动我们,让我们学会吃苦,学会包容,学会成长。Kathleen更是与中国有着不解之缘。她祖父来中国抗日,她妈妈曾在南大,她也很喜欢中国。她也用她的动作,她的神情,告诉我,世界上的人,是一家人!参加一次容领挑战,就多一次心与心的交流。言语不通的我们,在用心交流。我可以这样说,乐意付出的人,可能他们的心之间没有一种叫做国界的东西。愿更多的我们,还有我们的心之间,没有隔阂,没有国界!