他在城里混的不错。他来自农村的单亲家庭,母亲独自把他拉扯大,他一直心怀感激。如今母亲老了,他便想将母亲接到城里。母亲却一直拒绝,他清楚母亲是怕给他添麻烦,于是说,“你孙子天天念叨你,他刚上幼儿园,你来也好帮忙照看!”母亲听后,立马答应了。有一天,他买了个小电视,正要搬进他的卧室,只听母亲说:“能不能把电视放我房里,我也想晚上看看电视。”他一听,二话不说就把电视放在了母亲房里。妻子却皱着眉生气和他抱怨老人就是贪心。他为了安慰妻子,又买了台电视装在自己卧室。没过几天,母亲让他把他房里的电视搬走,她失落的说:“我想在房里放个电视,你们偶尔会来我房里看看电视聊聊天。谁知你们房里又买了个电视,我又浪费你们的钱了!”他强忍着泪说:“您这是什么话啊!电视就别搬走了,我们以后每天都来陪您聊天!”母亲一听,笑了。梁佳慧His life seems good to him in the city. He comes from a single-parent family in rural areas. He has been grateful for that her mother brought him up alone. Now his mother is old, so that he wanted to his mother to the city. However his mother had refused. He knew it was because that his mother didn’t want to bother him. So he said: “ Your grandson often talks about you. He just started kindergarten, you just come to help take care of him.” Hearing that, his mother immediately said yes. One day, he bought a small TV, and his mother said: “ Can you put the TV in my bedroom, I also want to watch TV in the evening.” Hearing that, he put the TV in his mother’s bedroom without saying anything. But his wife frowned and angrily complained that the old woman was greedy. To comfort his wife, he bought another TV and put it in his own bedroom. A few days later, the mother let him move the TV out of his room. In despondency, his mother said: “ I thought if there was a TV in my bedroom, you would come in my bedroom to Watch TV and chat with me occasionally. I didn’t know you would buy a new TV in your bedroom. I has wasted your money again.” He choked back tears, said: “Don’t say like that! I won’t move the TV. From now on we will come to accompany you to chat every day! ” Hearing this, the mother smiled.Jiahui Liang